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FEA outsourcing and support

  • integrated logistics solutions
  • professional supply management
  • assist at any stage of the transaction

We organize uninterrupted deliveries

If foreign economic activity conduction is not a core area for your company, it is better to outsource FEA and focus on your business development.

The regulation of foreign trade operations requires high qualifications and experience, accuracy and attention interacting with licensing, supervisory and customs authorities.

Mistakes in conducting a foreign trade transaction can lead to an increase in financial and time costs, as well as lead to administrative responsibility and the imposition of fines.


Advantages of FEA outsourcing:


  • No need to understand all subtleties  of conducting foreign economic activity; No need to understand all subtleties of conducting foreign economic activity;
  • An opportunity to focus on  your business development; An opportunity to focus on your business development;
  •  Cost optimization  in the search for foreign suppliers, customs 
clearance, certification, delivery and insurance of goods; Cost optimization in the search for foreign suppliers, customs
    clearance, certification, delivery and insurance of goods;
  •  No costs  for formation of your own foreign trade department and 
its maintenance; No costs for formation of your own foreign trade department and
    its maintenance;
  •  No need for independent interaction   and control over numerous 
participants in a foreign trade transaction including transactions 
in foreign languages; No need for independent interaction and control over numerous
    participants in a foreign trade transaction including transactions
    in foreign languages;
  •  Saving time and costs  conducting foreign trade operations. Saving time and costs conducting foreign trade operations.
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