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Analysts and external market research

  • a unique methodology for analyzing the Russian market
  • the optimal choice of countries promising for import
  • we use the FCS statistics data

We have developed a unique methodology for research and analysis of the Russian market and it really works

Determination of the HS code

All goods transported across the customs border of Russia are classified in accordance with the FEACN – Foreign Economic Activity Commodity Nomenclature in the form of ten-character codes. Each good is assigned a HS code which is used in case of declaring and maintaining statistics of the Federal Customs Service. The HS code definition is necessary to analyze the FCS database for the interest categories of goods.

Analysis of FCS data for the last 3 years

Customs statistics contain comprehensive information about each
movement of goods across the customs border of Russia.

  • name of the recipient
  • name of the contract holder
  • manufacturer
  • country of origin
  • name of a consignor
  • condition of delivery
  • currency of the contract
  • the price of the goods
  • the name and characteristics of the goods
  • preferences
  • calculation of customs duties
  • type of vehicle
  • declaration number
  • date of issue

Based on the analysis of the FCS database we generate a report on the required HS code for the previous 3 years. The report contains information about all deliveries of similar goods for import, countries of origin, volumes of deliveries, dynamics of changes in value and much more. We conduct a preliminary analysis of the Russian regions promising for import and suitable for the Client.

Research and analysis of foreign markets

In order to find countries promising for the export of similar goods, which have no experience of deliveries from Russia and have not been included in the customs statistics for the last 3 years, we conduct a study and analysis of countries potentially promising for export using the following criteria:

  • financial and economic situation
  • the economy structure and the pace of economic growth
  • the quality and standard of living
  • geographical location
  • transport and logistics infrastructure the level of digital communication channels development
  • national and cultural characteristics
  • political situation

As a result of the analysis a report is generated on countries promising for the export of similar goods, which have no experience of deliveries from Russia and are not included in customs statistics.

Selection of the promising Russian regions for Import

As a result of collecting and analyzing all the obtained data, we select the most promising Russian regions for Import based on the Client’s task.

All potential Russian regions are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • the cost of the goods selling
  • the logistics component
  • the delivery
  • the specifics of obtaining permits
  • the possibility of preferences
  • the volume of deliveries in monetary and quantitative terms
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