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Organization of promotion into foreign markets

  • development of a marketing strategy
  • more than 65 promotion tools
  • the result is already in the first months

Development of a strategy to promote external markets

The results of a detailed study and analysis of the foreign markets for a specific product or group of products are taken as a basis as part of the promotion strategy development.

The generated report contains comprehensive information about:

  • the competitive environment
  • the revenue of similar goods
  • the growth dynamics and decrease in demand and cost
  • the existing consumers of similar goods
  • the target audience
  • the most effective channels of communication
  • the most effective sales channels

The strategy defines a set of measures, which are necessary for the successful promotion of a particular Russian goods into foreign markets, contains a detailed plan for all measures implementation taking into account the execution period and the necessary budget.

Possible actions
for promotion into foreign markets

Organization of marketing communication channels

The development of digital marketing communication channels opens up great opportunities for international cooperation.

Nowadays, there are the following categories of digital marketing communications:

  • Search Engine Marketing on the Internet: Search Engine Optimization (SEO); Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Contextual advertising, banners and teaser advertisement
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • E-mail Marketing
  • SMS and MMS mailing
  • Advertising in apps, messengers, online games
  • Digital TV and online radio
  • Advertising on interactive and outdoor LED screens, self-service terminals

All selected communication channels are created, organized and configured based on the promotion strategy.

Direct selling

According to the FCS data, the promotion strategy contains information about existing foreign buyers from different countries, who regularly purchase similar goods in Russia. We have the opportunity to contact such foreign buyers and offer them cooperation, regardless of the countries they represent and what language they speak.

Direct sales are an effective tool. During the negotiations there is a direct communication between the buyer and the seller, and it always has a very positive effect on the final result.

Electronic trading platforms

The rapid development of electronic communication all around the world has made these channels one of the most effective sales tools. For a long time different foreign companies have been actively using them to supply their goods and services to various countries of the world.

The most world-famous electronic trading platforms are Aliexpress, Amazon, Ebay, 1688, Wildberries, OZON, Joom, Avito, Yandex Market and many others.

Participation in electronic tenders and auctions

Many goods and services categories are actively purchased during auctions and tenders held by commercial and government organizations in various countries.

Whatever your company does, there will always be suitable tenders for you company in various countries.

Participation in exhibition arrangements and forums

Visiting exhibition arrangements and forums can be a good tool for promotion and sales, although it has become less popular with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Professionals do not want to miss the opportunity to learn unique information and get useful business contacts, despite the difficult times in this industry. It is impossible to sign important contracts and agreements without looking into the eyes of you business partner, and it is better to do that at an exhibition event or forum.

Participation in business events and missions

There are a lot of business events and business missions organized by various public, state and commercial organizations in many fields of international cooperation. Such events are held both on the territory of various countries and with the foreign companies participation in Russia. Recently, it has become very popular to hold such events online.

We are always aware of all possible events and regularly take participation.

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